Sep 5, 2009

About Christian Mom blog

at 1:04 PM

Hello and welcome to the Just a Christian Mom blog. I’m so glad you could make it.

In case you were wondering what the purpose of this blog was….

This is a web-log that overviews (and in some places details) advice, tips and other helps concerning 3 main topics:

Biblical Living

Being a Christian is the most wonderful experience anyone could have. Even the angels in Heaven desire to understand it! (1 Pe 1:12) Yet, our Lord has told us that in this world we will suffer (2 Cor 1:5, 2 Cor 1:7, 1 Pe 5:9). So how do we handle this overwhelming joy mingled with sorrow? Using scripture I will address sub-topics including marriage, motherhood, witnessing and Bible study.

Saving Money

Money. You hate it, you love it, but you don’t (shouldn’t!) lust after it. After all, Jesus says we cannot serve both money and God (Matt 6:24). And yet money is so integral to our everyday living. In America, almost all people over the age of 18, handle money in some way throughout the week. That means, money is a daily tool. I’ll look at how we can use it in a God-honoring way by not wasting it. And also how we can use it the most efficient way by getting the best deals.

The Home

The old saying goes, “Home is where the heart is” and if that is true, that means we need to put more into our home than groceries and storing our stuff. The Bible refers to the home as a place:

to teach (Deut. 11:19),

of provision (Ruth 3:1),

to eat (1 Ki 13:7, 1 Ki 13:15, and 1 Ki 17:12),

that may (should) be pleasant (Micah 2:9),

where family is (Mark 5:19),

of welcoming and hospitality (Luke 10:38, John 19:27),

where we (should) feel comfortable and open with each other (1 Cor 14:35, 2 Cor 5:6, 8-9),

to be managed by women (1 Tim 5:14), and

where we should keep busy (Titus 2:5).

Knowing the value of the home and how to be a steward of your home, family and possessions is important and will benefit, not just to those inside your four walls, but to your neighborhood, church, community, and yes, (without exaggeration) even the world itself.

So mom or not, married or single, I believe this blog will encourage and profit the readers, especially Christ-followers. Please feel free to comment, correct or ask questions via the site, email, twitter or facebook.


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