Sep 15, 2009

Rose’s Free Offline Coupons Explained

at 10:00 AM

I collect coupons fairly often but I end up not using them and I don’t want them to go to waste.  Also some I grab because I know not everyone has the time or patience to clip them.  So every once in a while I’ll be making a post like this.  How it works is most of these are gonna be pretty close to expiring.  So I’ll post them and if you want them reply to me via Twitter or FB or email.  Since I just started the blog I may not think to check here!  This of course may change later.  I will set up a time to give them to you (or you can pick up), either the day of or the next day (which would be great if it’s Wed. and you go to my church).  So this is of course are for people that live in my locality.  I won’t be shipping these, so please don’t ask. 

How the set up goes:

NAME OF STORE OR PRODUCT, EXPIRATION DATE | # OF COUPONS (if it’s only one I won’t put a number) then the type of coupon | If there is another break, that means more coupons for that same store or product, w/ the same expiration date but a different discount | AND MORE | AND MORE

I will try to keep the closest expirations at the top of the list.


Ok so coupons for today:

Payless Shoes exp. 9/19/09 | 20% off any purchase

Luvs Diapers, exp. 9/30/09 | $1.00 off any

Best Buy, exp. 9/30/09 | Two 10% off any single regular-priced item | 10% off any single regular-priced major or small appliance

Dunkin Donuts, exp. 10/15/09 | Nine including Free Large Coffee, no purchase necessary and $0.99 Bagel w/Cream Cheese. Must take all.

Lowe’s, exp. 10/31/09 | Four 10% off your next purchase


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