This is a great way to save some money. You can get items that would normally cost you $15, $20, maybe even $50 for the cost of shipping (usually less than $10). So below are some places to check out. If I find more I’ll update this entry. Also please leave comments if you know something about these sites or have some others. (I’ve found many of these links via this article):
Specifically want clothing sites? Go here for a list of links:
Offline ways to swap clothes:
Textbook swaps:
Advanced Swapper?
Join Here you can join specific swaps or host your own (ex: you have a lot of pink purses but looking for new styles or a specific type, so host a Pink Purse swap)
Find more swapping sites here:
Hopefully you’ll start swapping soon and not have to buy as many items. Start banking that extra money! Happy Swapping.
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